End of life > Mental Health
Death by Request in Switzerland: Post-traumatic stress disorder and complicated grief after witnessing assisted suicide
Author / Source : By B. Wagner, J. Müller, A. Maercker Published on : Thematic : End of life / Mental Health News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

A study conducted in Switzerland in December 2007 among 85 family members and friends who were present at an assisted suicide showed higher prevalence of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and complicated grief after witnessing assisted suicide than following a natural death. Switzerland is one of the few nations in which assisted suicide is legal. It is generally defined as the prescribing or supplying of drugs with the explicit intention of enabling the patient to end his or her own...
Dementia and end-of-life decisions : the Hastings Center is going to examine the question
Author / Source : The Hastings Center, National Institute in Aging Published on : Thematic : End of life / Mental Health News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

The senior population in the United States is growing, and as such, so is the number of cases of dementia. When a person has dementia, they experience the progressive impairment of cognitive facilities, including memory, problem solving and language. There is no cure yet for dementia and there is no effective way to halt its progression. As the condition progresses, the affected person requires daily assistance and eventually total care. Because dementia causes a loss of many cognitive...