End of life > Advance Directives
Proposed extension of Belgian euthanasia law: critical feedback from the Netherlands
Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : End of life / Advance Directives News Temps de lecture : 3 min.

Hearings are continuing in the Federal Parliament on the proposed law to extend euthanasia to people who have become incapable of expressing their wishes, on the basis of an advance declaration. On Wednesday 22 January, two experts from the Netherlands presented the implications of such an extension, based on the Dutch experience. Their informed and critical experience provided food for thought about the social and ethical implications of extending euthanasia to patients who are no longer...
Extending euthanasia to people ‘who have become incapable of expressing their wishes’: overview of hearings on a controversial bill
Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : End of life / Advance Directives News Temps de lecture : 3 min.

An Open Vld bill, co-signed by the PS, was tabled in the House last September. It aims to ‘extend the advance declaration of euthanasia to people who have become incapable of expressing their wishes’. Experts are currently being heard to consider the medical, social and ethical implications of such an extension. What is the medical definition of unconsciousness and incapacity, and how do we know if the situation is irreversible? The experts interviewed and the Members of Parliament are faced w...