Early life

Natural Fertility Awareness Methods: Empowering Couples with Greater Autonomy

Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 3 min.

Natural Fertility Awareness Methods: Empowering Couples with Greater Autonomy

The congress was initiated by a number of Flemish and German academics, as well as the NFP-Vlaanderen (Natural Family Planning) association, which holds the Sensiplan® licence - the registered name for the sympto-thermal method. This method combines observation of a woman's body temperature and cervical mucus*. Until the beginning of the 20th century, there were no studies to test its reliability, but things have changed, thanks in particular to the German NFP working group, which...

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Prof. emeritus Dr. Bernard Spitz: “Abortion: between fundamental right and crime against humanity”.

Author / Source : Prof. em. dr. Bernard Spitz Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 5 min.

Prof. emeritus Dr. Bernard Spitz: “Abortion: between fundamental right and crime against humanity”.

Abortion, the intentional termination of a pregnancy, has long been a subject of passionate debate in society and the legislature. It straddles the fine line between the right to self-determination and the protection of the life of the unborn child. In this contribution, we wish to examine the complexity of abortion, but rather as a principle, at a meta-level, detached from concrete clinical practice. This has the advantage of not prejudicing individual, sometimes heart-rending, cases. From a...

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Italy Italy recognizes surrogacy as a “universal crime”: symbolic measure or first step towards a global ban?

Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

Italy recognizes surrogacy as a “universal crime”: symbolic measure or first step towards a global ban?

On October 16, 2024, the Italian Senate voted to extend the criminalization of surrogate motherhood to include the “crime of surrogate motherhood committed abroad by an Italian citizen”. From now on, Italian nationals who use a surrogate mother abroad will also be liable to a penalty of up to two years' imprisonment and a €1 million fine. By describing surrogacy as a “universal crime”, the Italian senators have expressed their desire for global condemnation of...

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Artificial reproduction: study reveals increased risk of congenital heart defects in children

Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

Artificial reproduction: study reveals increased risk of congenital heart defects in children

The study was based on data from artificial procreation registries in four Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) between 1984 and 2015. It covered all live-born children, over 7.7 million in total. Of these, 171,735 were born using artificial reproduction. The study shows that heart defects were around 36% more frequent in these babies than in those conceived naturally (absolute risk 1.84% vs. 1.15%). This risk is similar whatever the type of assisted reproduction (in vitro...

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Belgium EIB NEWS : UN criticises Belgium for ‘high rate’ of abortions linked to prenatal Down’s Syndrome tests

Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

EIB NEWS : UN criticises Belgium for ‘high rate’ of abortions linked to prenatal Down’s Syndrome tests

The fact that the negative perception of people with disabilities leads to a high rate of abortions due to Down's syndrome is in practice linked to the widespread use of the NIP-test as a screening method in Belgium. This non-invasive blood test is routinely offered to pregnant women, and is fully reimbursed by the Belgian state. Although healthcare providers are supposed to leave the choice to couples faced with the news of a disability, more than 95% of pregnancies are nevertheless...

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United Kingdom Cryopreservation of embryos: Study highlights ethical issues involved in their preservation and inevitable destruction

Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

Cryopreservation of embryos: Study highlights ethical issues involved in their preservation and inevitable destruction

According to a study published last June, the number of human embryos cryopreserved following artificial reproduction has reached a record level in the UK. Published in The New Bioethics, the study analysed data provided by the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) between 1991 and 2019. The figures show that at least 130,000 stored embryos have been destroyed in the UK since 1991. This situation, already problematic in itself, is particularly so in the UK, where legislation...

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United Kingdom Assisted reproduction: a study reveals a psychological impact on children born from gamete donation

Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

Assisted reproduction: a study reveals a psychological impact on children born from gamete donation

The study that led to this conclusion was based on a systematic analysis of 50 studies including 4,666 participants conceived using gamete donation and living in English-speaking countries. For the first time, this study looked at the long-term psychological impact of this method of conception by comparing the results with children conceived without the use of gamete donation. In particular, it identified attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), problems of dependency, mental illness...

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Belgium Pre-conception screening: Is it necessary to know everything before conceiving a child ?

Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

Pre-conception screening: Is it necessary to know everything before conceiving a child ?

Carrier screening is a test carried out before conception for couples who are at risk of passing on a genetic disease to their offspring. Ghent University Hospital recently asked the government to reimburse the cost of these genetic tests for all couples who wish to undergo them. In the event of such a reimbursement, the more systematic use of preconception tests would raise serious concerns. In future, if a risk of genetic disease were detected, would couples really be free not to turn to in ...

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Belgium Reform of the Belgian Penal Code: "loss of pregnancy" regarded as an attack on personal integrity

Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

Reform of the Belgian Penal Code: "loss of pregnancy" regarded as an attack on personal integrity

In the new Penal Code, "loss of pregnancy", whether or not intentionally induced, is classed as an "act of violence" resulting in third-degree bodily harm. Unlike under the old Code, the intention to cause the loss of pregnancy is now taken into account (Art. 214). This offence is punishable by a level 4 penalty (as opposed to a level 3 penalty if the perpetrator did not intend to cause the loss of pregnancy). Article 215 provides for a level 5 penalty if the loss of pregnancy results in the...

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Belgium Miscarriage: new "circumstantial leave" for couples from the start of pregnancy

Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

Miscarriage: new "circumstantial leave" for couples from the start of pregnancy

"According to studies, nearly 30% of women are at risk of suffering from post-traumatic stress one month after losing their unborn child. I don't want to ignore that.” This reality, highlighted by the Minister for the Civil Service, Petra de Sutter, called for better recognition of the pain experienced by women and couples faced with this ordeal. Until now, women who suffered a miscarriage before 180 days of pregnancy (6 months) were only entitled to sick leave (maternity leave is only g...

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