Status of the human body > Organ donation and euthanasia
Organ donation after euthanasia: Altruism to mask utilitarianism?
Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Status of the human body / Organ donation and euthanasia News Temps de lecture : 3 min.

The 10th ‘Sympadot’ symposium, organised on 21 November by the Transplantation Department of Brussels University Hospital (Erasme), focused on organ donation and transplantation. Among the topics discussed was the deliberately provocative question: ‘Euthanasia, a pathway to the futur? According to the speakers, the aim is to promote an ‘end-of-life project’ that would include organ donation. Is this an attempt to promote an altruistic gesture to divert...
From induced death to useful death: increasing organ donation after euthanasia in Quebec
Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Status of the human body / Organ donation and euthanasia News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

This development raises questions about the confusion that is developing around these two practices, which have completely different, if not irreconcilable, moral values. Little by little, the altruism of organ donation ends up masking the serious attack on the life and dignity of the person being euthanised. Far from being alarmed by this utilitarian shift, Dr Matthew Weiss, medical director of organ donation at Transplant Québec and author of the study, would like to increase...