All legislative texts (Italy)
Law / abortion in Italy
Published on : Legislative texts Temps de lecture : 39 min.
The Legalization of Abortion: Law 194 of the Italian Republic, 1978 Law No. 194 of 22 May 1978 on the social protection of motherhood and the voluntary termination of pregnancy. (Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, Part I, 2 May 1978, No. 140, pp. 3642-3646). 1. The State guarantees the right to responsible and planned parenthood, recognizes the social value of motherhood, and shall protect human life from its inception. The voluntary termination of pregnancy as covered by this...
Rules on medically assisted procreation
Published on : Legislative texts Temps de lecture : 11 min.
Act Feb. 19, 2004 , No 40: " Rules on medically assisted procreation " published in Official Gazette No 45, February 24, 2004 CHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLES ART . 1. (Purpose ) . 1. In order to facilitate resolution of problems stemming from infertility or reproductive human infertility has allowed the use of medically assisted procreation , the conditions and in the manner prescribed by this Law, which guarantees the rights of all stakeholders, including the unborn . 2. The use of m...