On Tuesday 27 February, the Federal Commission for the Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia in Belgium (CFCEE) released the figures for euthanasia declared in 2023. The number of euthanasia procedures officially carried out last year has reached a new record: 3,423 euthanasia procedures were declared to the Commission in 2023, a figure that had never been reached before.
Whereas 2022 had already seen an increase in the number of cases (+10%), see EIB news, this year marks a 15% increase compared to 2022.
To these euthanasia officially declared to the Commission, scientific studies estimate that around 25 to 35% of undeclared euthanasia should be added (JPSM, 2018).
While the majority of declared euthanasia involve elderly people, it should be noted that almost a third (30%) of people who officially died by euthanasia were under the age of 70.
Euthanasia carried out at home accounted for 48.6%. There is a confirmed increase in euthanasia carried out in nursing homes (16.4% in 2022 and 17.4% in 2023). 32% of euthanasia were carried out in hospitals and palliative care units. This proportion is slightly increased since the previous year.
The figures for 2023 also confirm the increase in euthanasia for polypathologies (+3% compared with 2022), the second most common type of illness mentioned, after cancer. Euthanasia for multiple diseases thus accounts for 23.2% of all euthanasia, almost half of which (47%) were carried out when death was not expected in the short term. As the Commission points out, polypathologies refer to "a combination of suffering caused by several chronic conditions that are progressing towards a final stage". In practice, these conditions may include terminal heart failure, hemiplegia due to a stroke, but also impaired sight or hearing, polyarthritis, or incontinence.
Finally, in 76.2% of cases, physical and psychological suffering were mentioned simultaneously. In addition, 89 people were euthanised because of psychiatric disorders (such as personality disorders or depression) or cognitive disorders (such as Alzheimer's disease). Again, this figure is higher than in 2022.
It should be noted that these are the official figures provided each year by the CFCEE and that a more detailed report covering the years 2022-2023 will be published by the CFCEE in the course of 2024 (see EIB Report 2022).